JPC Board of Directors 2024-2026
Jimmy Pratt incorporation articles have provision for nine (9) directors and currently, eight are registered with the Registrar of Companies here in the province. We are seeking one additional volunteer to fill the vacancy and bring us up to a full complement. Current Directors include:
Krista Koerner Board Chair
Peter Elliott Vice Chair
Rev. John Maich Secretary
Mohamed Abdallah Treasurer
Remaining Directors Treva Aberle, Carolyn Taylor, Sam Saunders, Robert McNeil y James Fox
On March 12th 2024 the Annual General Meeting of the Jimmy Pratt Memorial Outreach Centre was held and will have two vacancies on the 2024 board. Nominations were received until early March. as a result Treva Aberle and James Fox were elected. Due to the resignation of Veronica Naderer, a vacancy was created and Mr. Robert McNeily was appointed.
All board positions are for three years with an option of serving one additional term of three years.
A copy of our Annual General Meeting Report is available at the office or by visiting this link